
谢晓艳 王方方 孙爱红 管俊(通讯作者)

(江苏省扬州市苏北人民医院血液科 江苏扬州 225000)



【中图分类号】R730.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-8231(2015)12-0145-03

【Abstract】Plasmacytoma is a rare malignant tumor , but the incidence of the colonic extramedullary plasmacytomas is more lower. We report a case of 67-year-old female patient with abdominal pain onset. The colonoscopy examination revealed descending colon lesions, which was biopsied. Pathological evaluation showed plasmacytoma. The other laboratory tests including M protein, renal profile, and liver function test results normalized. Bone marrow aspiration and bone emission computed tomographywere within normal limits.A diagnosis, therefore, was made of extramedullary plasmacytoma of the colon.After she was administerated with bortezomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone, she died of infection complications.The text also summarized and discussed 31 cases reported in literatures who complained of abdominal pain and bloody stool. Primary colonic extramedullary plasmacytomas can be treated with local therapy (radiation, resection); however, multiple myeloma with secondary colonic extramedullary plasmacytomas is suggestive of aggressive disease with a poor outcome. Mentioned in the literatures, plasmacytomas are successfully treated with bortezomib-containing chemotherapy. Longer follow‐up and larger number of patients is needed to interpret the result and survival and to determine the proper line of management.

【Key words】Medullary plasmacytomas;Colon;Bortezomib



患者,女性,67岁,因“腹痛半月”于2013-07-02入院。入院半月前患者反复中上腹阵发性疼痛,伴恶心、呕吐胃内容物,大便秘结量少,三天大便一次。入院后查体:无明显贫血貌,全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,心肺无阳性体征,腹部平软,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,中上腹轻压痛,未触及包块,肝脾无明显肿大。实验室检查:血常规血红蛋白107g/L、白细胞 4.2×109/L、血小板204×109/L。尿常规正常。大便隐血试验阴性。血生化ALB 25.1 g/L,GLB 30.4g/L,肝肾功能正常。血尿β2-微球蛋白正常。肿瘤标志物正常。全腹部CT平扫+增强示肠管扩张积气明显。腹平片示左上腹肠管扩张。胃镜示十二指肠球部溃疡、胆汁反流性胃炎、食管炎。肠镜示降结肠病变,病理示镜检镜下示肠粘膜固有层内见中等大小圆形细胞,染色质呈车轮状排列,核稍偏位。免疫表型:LCA、CD138、EMA、MUM1、CD10均阳性,Bcl-6、CKpan、CD20、Pax-5、CD3、CD43、CD5、CyclinD1、CD56均阴性,Ki67增殖指数约20%。病理诊断:浆细胞瘤。骨髓涂片示未见浆细胞异常增殖。免疫球蛋白电泳未发现单克隆M蛋白升高。尿本周氏蛋白阴性。血尿游离轻链检查均阴性。骨ECT检查未发现明显异常。最终诊断原发性结肠髓外浆细胞瘤,不完全性肠梗阻。患者入院后给予流质饮食、抗感染、营养支持等治疗,患者症状无改善,后给予BCD方案化疗,具体为:万珂1.3mg/m2(1.75mg)d1、4、8、11,环磷酰胺 600mg d1,地塞米松 40mg d1-4。化疗期间监测血常规白细胞波动在(3.1~4.9)×109/L之间,血红蛋白(62~72)g/L,血小板波动在(44~96)×109/L之间,化疗最后一天血常规血红蛋白48g/L、白细胞 0.3×109/L、血小板16×109/L,且腹胀加重,发热,咽痛,复查腹部平片提示见气液平,给予升白细胞、输红细胞、血小板以及禁食、抗感染、营养支持治疗,但病情无逆转,最终出现血压下降,经积极抗休克治疗仍无效,于化疗第14天死亡。









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