


希兰特·韦兰达维/Hirante Welandawe

叶扬 译/Translated by YE Yang

作者单位:HW建筑事务所/H W Architects



准确称取0.10 g长柄扁桃粕或经粉碎机粉碎的长柄扁桃饼(含油量<8%),置于50 mL已称重的具塞离心管中,准确加入20 mL甲醇,称重,超声(功率100%)提取30 min,冷却至室温,称重,甲醇补足损失的重量,摇匀,过滤,弃去前1 mL过滤液,收集续滤液,续滤液用20%甲醇稀释5倍,摇匀,0.22 μm微孔滤膜过滤,进样。

Sri Lanka and India's are linked in a myriad of ways, not just related to their special proximity;due to periodic urban migration the two countries share a legacy of cultural, religious and linguistic connection spanning more than 2500 years. Perhaps chief among those connections is both nations being under Colonial rule for long periods of time,each having been occupied by the Portuguese, Dutch and British and even achieving independence in the space of two consecutive years.

Presently both Sri Lanka and India are going through intense periods of urban development due to the spread of global capitalism in South Asia.India has an investment of $80 billion in the next two decades and Sri Lanka is expected to attract $15 billion in investment over the next 20 years in the $1.4 billion Chinese funded Port City Project. Although the projected numbers may look lucrative on first glance, the development happening on the ground can present a rather more dismal picture. A large component of the development in both Sri Lankan and Indian cities are spearheaded by private sector developers, to whom quantity and maximum footprint are the defining factors; most sites are overbuilt to such an extent that there is an alarming shifting of the balance between the natural and the built forms,severely affecting the livability of the cities. The works of the architects presented in this issue show very eloquently that architecture and urban development could be imagined differently in the hands of creative and meaningful designers. The challenge we face today is that such works still remain few and far between and the gap between the larger body of development work happening in our cities and creative and meaningful architecture is ever widening. How we choose to bridge this gap will define the future of our cities.□

1 工作室住宅,拉夏吉里雅,斯里兰卡/Studio Dwelling, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka(摄影/Photo: Mahesh Mendis)

我个人不喜欢汽车厂商通过高调的设计来吸引眼球,那些只顾及性能而忽视设计的做法我也不赞成,此外,符合日常使用习惯的操作方式同样不可或缺。那些颠簸得过分的悬架设定?绝不会得到我的支持。声浪过于高调的发动机?同样令我难以接受。因此,奥迪R8 RWS才是我的最佳之选,无论白天还是黑夜,我始终希望与这辆奥迪为伴。

收稿日期: 2019-01-25

标签:;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  

