罗嘉南 - 论特殊情况下有限责任公司股权转让中优先购买权的行使

罗嘉南 - 论特殊情况下有限责任公司股权转让中优先购买权的行使

Title:On the exercise of the preemptive right in the transfer of stock rights of limited liability company under special circumstances




论文来源:法制博览 2019


Abstract:The preemptive right of shareholders of limited liability company is an important system in the legal system of our country. Because the limited liability company has the characteristics of human cooperation, the participation of unfamiliar shareholders will affect the cooperation between shareholders, and then affect the normal production and operation of the company. However, it is not easy to operate the company law of our country on how to exercise the legal preemptive right, and the court's handling methods are not the same in judicial practice, which is not conducive to the settlement of disputes. This paper studies the exercise of preemptive right of equity transfer under special circumstances and puts forward corresponding suggestions.


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罗嘉南 - 论特殊情况下有限责任公司股权转让中优先购买权的行使
