

● 雷彦平 李 洁 许文超 (媒体人)








The college also offers long courses for international students.Anne and May, two Swedish women, have been studying at the school for three years. They fell in love with Chinese calligraphy while going to college in Geneva. After they graduated, they came over to the school in Orchid Pavilion. Chinese calligraphy is their pursuit now. They have caught up with their Chinese classmates in calligraphy thanks to their hard work.

Youngsters show off their calligraphic works. The two words on the paper in their hands read Mid-Autumn, referring to the Mid-Autumn Festival.


Orchid Pavilion School of Calligraphy, set up in 2004 as part of Shaoxing University, lies at the foot of Mount Lanzhu, about 12 kilometers southwest of Shaoxing City. The region is called Orchid Pavilion, where Wang Xizhi (303-361), presumably the greatest Chinese calligrapher in history, lived and wrote the famous Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion, a masterpiece in both prose and calligraphy. Orchid Pavilion is a pilgrimage destination for calligraphers from all over China. The school is also a place where foreigners with a passion for Chinese calligraphy study and pick up the ancient penmanship. Over the past fi ve years, the school has trained over 2,000 international students. In no other places in Shaoxing can you fi nd so many international students. “These international calligraphers are like seeds. They disseminate Chinese calligraphy all over the world,” says Dong Shuzhan, a calligrapher and assistant to the director of the school.


Three international students show off their calligraphic works in Shaoxing.

The two girls practice Chinese calligraphy as if they were drawing a picture. The single word they try to write perfect is 福, which refers to fortune and good luck in Chinese.






虽然有许多外国朋友对中国书法的技巧和意蕴常常难以理解。比如“撇”,有翻译成“left falling stroke”,从英语字面理解是“往左边下降的笔画”。而“撇”在中国书法中带着速度和节奏,用笔十分讲究。然而这并不妨碍外国人学书法,一些外国朋友把中国书法看作“线条的艺术”。



“Miss Dong, do you think I can become a calligrapher?”(董老师,你说我能成为书法家吗?)








“You will be the best calligrapher among beef shop owners in New Zealand!”你会成为新西兰牛肉老板中书法写得最棒的!)


The inscription on stone stele inside the pavilion reads Geese Pond.The pavilion stands by the pond.




Orchid Pavilion School of Calligraphy in Shaoxing

By Lei Yanping, Li Jie, Xu Wenchao


The school itself is small. The students and faculty members add up to about 350. It not only offers 4-year undergraduate studies of calligraphy but also runs short-term calligraphy courses for international students.

Starting from basic brushstrokes

Writing huge-sized Chinese characters is a big challenge to international students.

An international student tries her hand at practicing the cursive script.

Roland, a British scholar, studied calligraphy for three months at the school in early 2019. He graduated from the short-term course on May 24, 2019. The study has changed his vision of calligraphy and changed his practice time. Before he came to Orchid Pavilion, he usually practiced in the evening. He switched to morning after he began with the course at the school. His classmates and his teachers practiced in the morning. He has adhered to the morning routine. Back home, he is now heavily engaged in work connected with Chinese calligraphy. He is now making preparations for a calligraphy exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition is to introduce Chinese calligraphy and Orchid Pavilion in Shaoxing to college students in the United Kingdom. His calligraphic works created during his three-month study at the school will be exhibited at the upcoming exhibition.


3)处理方法:(1)若上一层混凝土已终凝,采用人工或机械凿毛,下一层浇筑混凝土前先浇筑约3~5cm的砂浆,以利结合面粘结。(2)拆模后,冷缝结合面位置两侧各5 cm位置用砂纸打磨,涂刷颜色相近的丙乳净浆。

It is quite common that many international students do not have a commanding knowledge of Chinese, but that problem doesn't prevent them from studying calligraphy. For many of them, Chinese calligraphy is an art of lines. They write as if they were making a drawing. In order to grasp calligraphy, they examine Chinese characters in terms of space, line and structure, etc. “An excellent calligrapher highlights the inexplicable beauty of Chinese characters. International students can do that pretty well,” explains Dong Shuzhan.

The school not only attracts individuals like Roland, Anne and May. It holds special exchange programs regularly. Foreign universities and colleges often send groups of calligraphers over to attend these short-term programs.

3.4 本研究意义及局限 本研究编制了综合医院护士工作满意度量表,共包含2个维度16个条目,并进行了信效度的检验。本量表的编制过程符合量表开发流程,并且经过初步的严格探索分析,验证该量表具有良好的信效度,可以全面反应护士工作满意度,对于推进护理管理工作的改革及降低离职率具有重要意义。由于条件所限,未进行验证性因子分析,对于维度分布情况有待进一步验证,今后在更多样本、更广范围上进一步验证其信效度,并建立全国常模。


Moreover, the school sends teams of teachers and students out to visit foreign countries and hold short-term courses there. This international program is known as “Orchid Pavilion Calligraphy Classroom”.

《化妆师的就业指导》 熊琴指出随着经济发展和社会进步,大众对美的追求日益强烈,同时受到近几年的日韩欧美各种流行文化的影响,使更多爱美人士走在了追求美的道路上,随着审美需求的不断加大,大众对自己的形象要求也越来越高,于是也使得一些化妆培训机构如雨后春笋一般应运而生,在全国遍地开放,广招生源,这也出现了一个问题短期的化妆培训机构没有办法对化妆师进行系统高素质的培训练习,造成了化妆师专业素质的层次不齐。

In 2016, Dong Shuzhan headed a platoon of students from the school and visited New Zealand, where they held a calligraphic course. Local students in the course were from all walks of life.John, one of the students, is a beef trader, signed up and studied Chinese calligraphy. He keeps in touch with Dong through WeChat,a Chinese social media.

Since 2015, the school has run the calligraphy program in New Zealand, Switzerland, Poland, Italy, Russia, the United States, Canada, and Czech. Dong Shuzhan is the fi rst teacher of calligrapher sent overseas for this program. More than ten teachers and 150 students have gone overseas to be part of this program. Chen Ju, a teacher with the school, conducted a “calligraphy program” at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy, which was founded in 1175. “Though the two countries have different cultures, people enjoy art in the same way,” observes the Chinese calligrapher.“That explains why the Chinese calligraphy course is so popular on the campus.” Chen is proud of the course he fi rst conducted there.Now the Chinese calligraphy is a must-do course for postgraduate students of the university.

The program is scheduled to expand to include many other countries in East Asia, Europe and South America, according to Wang Xiaoliang, vice director of the school.

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