


摘要 文章对英语阅读测试题进行了分类,并论述了不同题型的特点以及应采用的解题方法。

关键词 主旨 情境 判断 推断 结构



这是一种常见的题型。主旨题的目的是检查考生在读完一篇文章后,能否明确地提炼出全文的要旨。主旨题问法的形式不同,有‘What' sthe main idea of this paragraph?'或'Which statement best expressesthe main idea?'等等。但不管采用哪种形式,主旨题都是紧扣着阅读材料的中心。

回答主旨题的一个有效方法是找出主题句(Topic Sentence)。主题句是概括段落中心思想的句子,将各个段落的主题句集中起来就获得全文的要旨(main idea)。主题句一般在段落的开头。据统计,大约60~90%的议论性文章的主题句是在句首的。当然,主题句有时也可能在段末或段落的中间。此外,还有些段落是没有明显的主题句,其中心思想要靠自己去归纳。请看下面这篇选自大学英语精读教材Book One的短文:

One hundred years ago,school teachers were expected to provide a variety of services in addition to their teaching duties and to behave themselves in an exemplary(serving as an ex-ample)manner.They cared for the oil lamps,tended the fire,and supplied their students withsharp pencils.After a long day in the classroom,they were expected to spend some time every evening reading the Bible.Women teachers could not marry,and barber shops were off limits to men teachers.Of course,alcohol and tobacco were forbidden.

Which statement best expresses the main idea?

A.Teachers performed domestic tasks.

B.The teahing profession demanded total dedication.

C.Teachers needed the guidance of religion.

D.Teachers get good examples by not using tobacco and alcohol.


'They cared for the oil lamp,tended the fire,andsuppliedtheir students with sharp pen-cils'以及'…they wereexpectedto spend some time every evening reading the Bible'、'Women teachers could not marry'等等。这些句子的中文意思分别是“他们要照看油灯和火炉,要为学生提供削尖了的铅笔”、“每天晚上还要花些时间去读圣经”以及“女教师不能结婚”等等。作者这样叙述的目的是为了说明一问题:一百年前教师这份职业需要百分之百的奉献(The teaching profession demanded total dedication)。所以,这题的最佳答案应选(B)。



It was the use of the telescope,of course,that opened themodern age of astronomy and made possible the growth of allour current theories.Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe tried to answer some questions about the solar system,but it wasGalileo who made the first use of the telecope to observe theheavens close up.Born in 1564,Galileo added greatly toour knowledge of the stars before he died in 1642.By means ofhis telescope he discovered moons in orbit around Jupiter.Although he saw only four,scientists after him discoveredeight more moons.The venus didn't appear the same size.It washis wise use of the telescope that helped him understand this important fact:that the sun,and not the earth,is the center of the plantets.


(1)What's the main idea of this paragraph?

(2)How did Galileo learn about the stars?

(3)How many moons does Jupiter have?

第一道题是问总括全段的主旨是什么?我们在短文的结尾处可以找到答案,即'It was his wise use of the telescope that helped him understand this important fact:that the sun,and not the earth is the centre of the planets.';第二题问伽利略是通过什么办法去研究星球的?它的答案'By means of his telescope' (通过使用望远镜)也可以在段中找到;至于最后一个问题只是个简单的数字问题,只要将伽利略发现的“四颗”行星加上其他科学家发现的“八颗”,便得出“十二颗”行星的答案。可见,如果考生在阅读时将与情境题有关的'By means of his telescope'以及'only…eightmore moons'等作上记号,答题时会节省许多时间。


判断题在于检查考生对阅读测试短文的某一细节是否确切掌握。其答案要求精确、具体,考生需查阅的范围相对集中与固定。只要能迅速找出与考题有关的内容仔细核对,就能快而准地选择正确的答案。因此,考生在第一次快速阅读短文时,应将判断题有关的内容画上记号。请看下面节选自大学英语精读课文Book Three的短文:

Of the many theories of dreams,Freud's is probably thebest known.According to Freud,we return in our dreams tothemodes of thought characteristic of early childhood.Ourthinking becomes concrete,pictorial and nonlogical,andexpresses ideas and wishes we are no longer conscious mind,not willing to acknowledge our subconscious,ideasdisguises them.Some of Freud's interpretations are extremely fanciful,but there isalmost certainly some truth in his view that dreams express the subconsious mind.

问题:The following statements are true or false:(1)Dreams are not easy to interpret because theoriginalthought and ideas are disguised.(2)It is almost certainly true that dreams express thesubconscious mind.

短文后面的这两道题都是判断题。第一道题是问“由于梦掩盖了人原本的思想活动,因而梦是不容易解释的”这句话对不对。短文中有句话谈到"Dreams are absurd be-cause our conscious mind,notwilling to acknowledge our subsconscious ideas,disguises them",它的中文意思是”由于我们的知觉不承认潜意识的存在,它掩盖了梦的真实情况,因而梦是荒谬的”。"absurd"的意思是'against reasonor common sense'(荒谬的),既然是'against reason的东西,那么当然是'not easy to interpret'(不容易解释);而'consciousmind'与'original thoughtsand ideas'均指人在头脑清醒时的思想活动,所以,这题应是正确的(True)。

第二道题是问“几乎可以肯定的是,梦是人脑潜意识的反映”这句话对还是错。该段的最后一句说到"…but there is almostcertainly some truth in his view that dreams ex-press the subconscious mind"。这句话的意思与考题的意思几乎完全相同,其正误与否一目了然。



(例1)John Henderson was driving home late last night froman exhausting business trip.

(例2)When the phone finally rang,Joe leaped from the edgeof his chair and grabbed for it.


(1)John可能是商人,因为他刚出差回来(from business trip)。


(3)John一定是很想回家,因为他在很晚的时候还驾车回去(…drivinghome late last night…)。


Which statement is true in the following answers:

A.John Henderson may be a businessman.

B.John Henderson must be very tired.

C.John Henderson must be eager to get home.

D.All of the above.



(1)'finally'说明Joe等这个电话可能已很长时间了;'Grabbed for'这个动作显示出Joe迫不及待的神情。



(1)Had Joe probably been waiting for the call for some time?

(2)Was Joe patient or impatient?



结构题是五种题型中最难的一种。它意在检查考生是否理解、掌握一篇短文的组织结构、行文特点。他要求学生对作者的思路和讨论问题的方式反应敏捷,对短文的结构有一个宏观的认识。结构题经常以下面的形式出现:'Which of the following best de-scribes theorganization of the passage'或'The paragraph followingthispassage most proba-bly discusses'…等等。试看下面短文:

Throughout history,moonlight has been the subject ofgreat dealof study.Moonlight is actually sunlight bouncingoff the moonand striking the earth,looking at a landscapelit by the full bright as a cloudy.Actually,however,themoonligh is extremelyweak compared to sunlight.Measurementsshow that moonlight is only 1/400,000 as bright as sunlight.Be-cause of its surface the moon makes a poor reflector.Thefull moon looks bright in the'nìght sky,but when we see itduring the day we realizehow dim it really is.The weakness of the moon's light,however,doesnot detract from ourappreciation of it.

问题:Which of the following best describes theorganization of the passage?

A.The passage is organized through the use of introductionand supporting.

B.The passage is organized through the use of generalizationand definition.

C.The passage is organized through the use of introduction,main idea,supporting and conclusion.

D.The passage is organized through the use of reason andinference.

这是典型的结构题。题目问“在下面的四个答案中哪个最能描述该短文的组织结构(best describes the organization)”。我们通过阅读知道这篇文章讲的是“月光与太阳光的比较”(main idea)。那么作者是怎样进行比较的呢?比较的结果又如何呢?首先,作者使用引言(Introduction)导出该文要论述的内容——“月光”(the moonlight);然后指出月光实际上也是“太阳光”(sunlight)的一种,只不过它是太阳光经过月球的反射后返回地球的一种光。所以,与直射地球的太阳光相比,它自然就显得十分暗淡了(The moon light is extremelyweakcompared to sunlight),这也是该文的主旨(main point)。作者提出中心论点后,就连续使用了三个句子作为论据(supporting)进行论证。最后得出“月光的暗淡并不减低我们对它的欣赏”的结论(conclusion)。综观全文,作者使用了引言(introduction)、主旨(main idea)、论据(supporting)及结论(conclusion)来组织整篇文章。因此,答案(A)说该文使用了“概括”(generalization)和“定义”(defintion)显然不对;而(B)说“引言”(introduction)和“论据”(supporting)也不全面;答案(D)说使用了“推断”(inference)及“论证”(reason)也不准确。最佳答案应是(C)。


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