

Forums and Workshops

12 月5 日上午,第十三届孔子学院大会校长论坛与专题论坛成功举办。来自45 个国家的孔子学院所在大学校长、中外院长和专家学者等100 多名代表,围绕“办学模式和管理机制创新”“评价与退出机制建设”“骨干教师职业化发展”“‘汉语+’特色实现”“孔子学院合作伙伴体系培育”“孔子学院双向文化交流”“孔子学院数字化革新”“孔子学院公共形象塑造”等8 大主题和“提升孔子学院学术水平”“孔子学院与职业技能培训”2 个重点专题,为孔子学院改革创新建言献策,提出许多建设性的意见和建议,吸引1200 余人参与讨论,现场气氛热烈。





中外代表一致认为,建立健全孔子学院评价和退出机制,既要有明确的目的和原则,也要采用多样且因地制宜的途径和方法。新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学孔子学院理事长包逸之表示,建立孔子学院评价和退出机制的最终目的,是为了引导和促进孔院的发展,推动提高孔子学院的办学水平,更好地为大学等各利益相关方服务。泰国曼松德昭帕亚皇家师范大学副校长春拉达提出,应尽快制定孔子学院相关评估规程,并运用科学的方法制定评价指标体系、程序及规则,采取自我评估和第三方评估等相结合的方式实施。法国留尼汪大学前副校长莫合表示,在执行具体评估时,可以借鉴商界普遍推行的评估办法,比如SWOT 分析、成本—收益分析等进行货币化考量,也可以采用非货币化方法,比如通过评判孔子学院塑造的外部形象、社会价值、对所在国教育和技能的贡献等,建立孔子学院的评价和退出机制。












On the building of evaluation m echanism and exit mechanism of Confucius Institute, Chinese and foreign representatives agreed that the establishment and improvement of the evaluation mechanism and exit mechanism require def inite purposes and principles as well as m ultiple measures that conform to local conditions. Tony Browne, Chairman of the Board of the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, suggested that the ultim ate goal of establishing the evaluation mechanism and exit mechanism is to guide and promote the development of Confucius Institute, im prove school running level, and better serve all the stakeholders including universities. Chollada Pongpatthanayothin, Vice President of Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University in Thailand, proposed that relevant evaluation regulations of Confucius Institute should be established as soon as possible. Scientif ic methods should be employed to set up evaluation index system, procedures and rules, and this system should be im plem ented in a way that com bines self-evaluation and third-party evaluation. Nicolas Moreau, former Vice President of University of Reunion Island, indicated that when carrying out specif ic evaluations, both the approaches generally adopted in the business circle, such as SWOT analysis and costbenef it analysis, and nonmonetary approaches, such as evaluating a Confucius Institute's image, social value and its contribution to the country's education and skills, can be used to establish evaluation m echanism and exit m echanism of Confucius Institute.



On the morning of December 5, the presidents' forum s and special forum s of the 13th Confucius Institute Conference were successfully held. Over 100 representatives including presidents, Chinese and foreign directors, experts and scholars of the Confucius Institutes in 45 countries offered a number of constructive opinions and suggestions on Confucius Institute's reform and innovation. The presidents' forum s centered on 8 themes, namely “innovation in the schooling pattern and m anagem ent mechanism”, “the building of evaluation mechanism and exit mechanism”, “professionalism of backbone teachers”, “Chinese + and specialized development”, “cultivating plural partnership system”, “building two-way and plural platform s for comm unication”, “digitalization of Confucius Institute”, and “shaping and showcasing the public image of Confucius Institute”; and 2 sp ecial forums focused on the topics of “improving academic level of Confucius Institute” and “Confucius Institute and vocational skill training”. More than 1200 p eople took an active p art in the discussion.




总而言之,不怕你多么“任性”,就是形势比人强。 从这个角度看,陀思妥耶夫斯基或地下人关于任性和“瘙痒”的论述,不过是自由主义、个人主义的形象化表述,是19世纪后期非理性主义哲学思潮中的一条溪流。 这个“瘙痒”在陀思妥耶夫斯基那里也许还比较出色(卓越),但到了罗扎诺夫的时代,就不是那么突出了。 可以说,罗扎诺夫的非理性主义思想和极端个人主义思想的发扬光大,受到了陀氏“瘙痒”的强烈影响。


On the “Chinese Language +” and specialized developm ent of Confucius Institute, Chinese and foreign representatives agreed that the m ain focus of individualized developm ent strategies of Confucius Institute is to satisfy diversif ied needs of all people in the world, such as to learn the Chinese language and get a better understanding of China. In fact, Confucius Institute takes root in local conditions, and teaches Chinese and makes cultural exchanges in a f lexible way, which has contributed greatly to enhancing China's relationship with different countries. For a better specialized development, Confucius Institute m ust: f irst, identify the right direction of the “Chinese Language +” project, integrate all the good resources, and offer individualized courses; second, enrich the “Chinese +”, promote cooperation between universities and enterprises, and im prove Confucius Institute's service function; and third, upgrade the quality of the “Chinese +”, and carry out high-quality cultural projects to strengthen two-way cultural exchanges. Dong Qi, President of Beijing Normal University, and others proposed that Confucius Institute should, on one hand, constantly enrich the “Chinese +” by virtue of outstanding disciplines of universities, and on the other hand, look outside of their own needs, and consider what the local people, especially the young, really need. Through the cooperation with governments, enterprises and other sectors of the society, Confucius Institute should combine the language teaching with social demands and vocational development, so as to m ake the “Chinese +” project a com prehensive service project.


On professionalism of backbone teachers, both Chinese and foreign representatives agreed that backbone teachers are the dominant force to guarantee the teaching quality of Confucius Institute. Confucius Institute teachers should strive to become m odels or p ace-setters in teaching. Meanwhile, Confucius Institute must accelerate the cultivation of a high-standard and professional team of well-rounded backbone teachers. Liu Li, President of Beijing Language and Culture University, suggested m aking innovation in cultivation mode of backbone teachers and building a talented team of inter-disciplinary and high-quality international TCSOL (Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) professionals by establishing educational colleges and co-training of China and foreign countries. Sok Touch, President of Royal Academy of Cambodia, suggested improving training system and m echanism and building indigenous teachers' practice bases, so as to provide teachers with pre-job training and in-service training. In addition, he suggested continuously developing education training for indigenous teachers, and encouraging them to go to China for further education and training, in a bid to foster more indigenous Chinese teachers working in their own countries. Zhou Hang, Executive Management Director of Hokuriku University, advised that different countries' policies, institutions and laws as well as professional-title evaluation, wages and degree program s should be taken into account in vocational developm ent of backbone teachers. Besides, evaluation index system of professionalism should be established.


On the them e of innovation in the schooling pattern and management mechanism, Dan Mote, Member of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and President of the National Academy of Engineering of the US, emphasized that the development of Confucius Institute depends on a right direction. Therefore, the attribute of language education of Confucius Institute should continuously be upheld and highlighted. To embody the spirit of contract and coop eration, both sides should regulate their cooperation based on open and transparent agreements. Fan Lim ing, Mem ber of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and President of Shandong University, pointed out that Chinese universities urgently need to enhance the supp orting ability in top-level design, integrated planning and system guarantee. Confucius Institute should be incorporated into the “the f irst place project of the adm inistration of Chinese universities”; specialized institutional documents should be issued; specialized institutions should be established, and an integrated research supporting pattern combining “think tanks, funds, disciplines and team s” should be set up. Céline Davesne, Vice President of NEOMA Business School, indicated that the Confucius Institutes actively incorporating into their universities' operation mechanism can not only make Confucius Institute projects work m ost effectively, but also strengthen the transparency and people's understanding of Confucius Institute. A better incorporation into relevant mechanism is a powerful proof against some countries' improper criticism on Confucius Institute. Stephen Hanson, Vice Provost of College of William & Mary, suggested that the innovation in the operation of College of William & Mary was “shared governance”. The college incorporated its Confucius Institute under the multi-level governance and specially established an advisory committee. As a result, the Confucius Institute got a “bottom-up” foundation in the college and hence was closely related to the college's relevant academ ic departm ents. Chinese and foreign teachers cooperated with each other in an open and transparent environment, and together promoted teaching and academic research.

On the digitalization of Confucius Institute, representatives at home and abroad agreed that the digitalization of Confucius Institute has a strategic signif icance for Confucius Institute to improve quality, increase eff iciency and promote sustainable developm ent. Experts represented by Dieter W. Heerm ann, Vice President of Heidelberg University, suggested that Confucius Institute should bring in the advanced Internet technology, such as cloud computing, big data and artif icial intelligence to build the digital platforms of Chinese language teaching, practical training and evaluation. Besides, in order to provide teachers and students with more online teaching materials and make the Chinese language teaching more open, high-quality online Chinese courses and digital teaching m aterials should be developed and high-quality educational resources should be gathered and shared. Chen Fachun, President of Tianjin Foreign Studies University, advised the building of the information management platform for Confucius Institute to realize an innovative, open and individualized smart education adm inistration which allows resource sharing, multilevel interaction and intelligent control. Wu Jian, Vice President of South China Normal University, suggested that Confucius Institute should enhance the cooperation with cultural dissemination institutions, new m edia and internet enterprises, and realize a win-win situation in different f ields by new technological means like virtual reality. As a result, an ecological chain of resources for cultural dissemination can be gradually established.

On cultivating plural p artnership system, Chinese and foreign representatives agreed that as every Confucius Institute has rich p otential resources for cooperation, cultivating plural partnership system would be a p owerful driving force for Confucius Institute's sustainable development. And Confucius Institute's partners should include but are not limited to Chinese and foreign universities, prim ar y and secondar y schools, local authorities, enterprises, social organizations and other Confucius Institutes. When looking for cooperation partners, it is necessary to learn about advantages and needs of all parties, and to carr y out high-quality coop eration by virtue of different platforms. Shankar Raman, Assistant Provost of Valp araiso University, pointed out that Confucius Institute and enterprises are gradually becoming strategic p artners who enjoy complementar y advantages and resources. The p artnership can not only help Confucius Institute integrate into local culture deeply, but also is conducive to integrating the superior resources of all parties to form joint forces for running a school. Pasquale Mamm one, President of Artois University, indicated that in terms of cultivating plural partnership, Chinese language teaching is the basis; cultural activities are media; explorations and experiences are m easures; academ ic forums and lectures are bridges; and training of indigenous teachers is an important approach. Roberto Lafontaine, Director of the Confucius Institute Latin America Regional Center, suggested that Confucius Institute should comm it to tapping the advantages of both the Chinese and foreign p artners, and constantly implement sustainable and prom ising projects. Meanwhile, they must attach importance to public relations, so as to make excellent contents widely known by all walks of life and strengthen the inf luence of Confucius Institute.

On shaping and showcasing the public image of Confucius Institute, Chinese and foreign representatives reached an agreement that according to different countries' conditions, brand image of Confucius Institute should be presented in different ways. It dem ands that Confucius Institute actively shape its own public im age and set up virtual platforms, while attaching importance to matching between contents and channels. As for the shaping of the image of Confucius Institute in North America, experts represented by Sam uel L Stanley, Mem ber of the Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters and President of State University of New York at Stony Brook, and Vivia Fowler, President of Wesleyan University, advised Confucius Institute to carr y out transformation and upgrading, actively integrate into universities' development strategies, and p articipate in comm unity ser vices, so as to give play to social value and make it more accepted and p opular. Matthew Salm on, Vice President of Arizona State University, advised Confucius Institute to actively give access to information of its activities, increase the transparency and contact with local authorities and celebrities, so as to make the US society get a m ore objective and comprehensive understanding of Confucius Institute. Richard Filion, President of Dawson College of Canada, indicated that strengthening Confucius Institute's core competitiveness as an authoritative platform for Chinese teaching and a signif icant medium for p eople-to-people and cultural exchanges can contribute to shaping the sound public im age of Confucius Institute.

On im proving the academic level of Confucius Institute, generally sp eaking, there are four features of the academic research of Confucius Institute: First, the focus of the academic research is the teaching of the Chinese language and education. Second, academic research, language teaching and cultural exchanges are closely related and have become the three pillars of current work, and the pillar role of academic research still needs to be deepened, so as to form theoretical system and discourse system. Third, except for language teaching research, Confucius Institute is short of experience in organizing interdisciplinary academic exchanges. Considering that, Prof. Li Xuetao of Beijing Foreign Studies University, proposed that Confucius Institute should play a role in academ ic collaboration and organization to upgrade their academic abilities indirectly. Fourth, various Confucius Institutes are positively com bining the features and advantages of disciplines of Chinese and foreign cooperative universities to advance the scientif ic research on “Chinese + other disciplines”.

To further improve the academic level of Confucius Institute, representatives suggested that: First, the Confucius Institute Headquarters should enhance its function of coordination and supp ort to make the troika of language teaching, cultural exchanges and academic research move forward together. Second, priority should be given to the core of Confucius Institute's work. It must focus on the major work of Chinese language teaching, establish scientif ic and com plete applied linguistics system of Chinese, comm it to building the Chinese research data platform and set up Confucius Institute's supply system of academic data. Ms. Olga V. Pavlenko, Vice-Rector of Russian State University for the Hum anities, m entioned that the Confucius Institute at her university had been incorporated into the university's academic research system, and becom e the resource center and data center of the university's research on topics related to China. Third, it is better to distinguish Confucius Institute's ability in academic research from that in organization of academic platforms, so that institutional encouragement and support can be given according to different categories. Besides, they should share resources cross disciplines and universities at home and abroad, and increase Confucius Institute's derived value in stimulating two-way p eople-topeople, cultural and academic exchanges between China and foreign countries.

On Confucius Institute and vocational skill training, representatives all agreed that through m ore than a decade of development, Confucius Institute now has extensive resources of teachers and students and many local social relations, gaining advantages to organize and carry out vocational skill training. Som e representatives, including Luke Evuta Mumba, Chancellor of University of Zambia, suggested that the “Chinese + vocational skill training” was in short supply in overseas market. To carr y out vocational skill training, every Confucius Institute could focus on key projects of cooperation between China and foreign countries, develop one or two outstanding specialties, and com plem ent each other's strengths by establishing “regional alliance” of training. Song Kai, Deputy Secretar y of the CPC Comm ittee and Deputy Director of Human Resource Center of China Nonferrous Metal Industry, introduced that the current vocational skill trainings held abroad by Chinese enterprises were relatively sporadic, failing to form a joint force, so it was urgently needed to make overall planning for these trainings. Confucius Institute's effective engagement in vocational skill training depends on a right direction. Therefore, Confucius Institute must take root in local conditions, and actively contact and integrate with enterprises, so as to play a role in vocational skill training, internship, and employment recommendation.

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