郑伟红 - 论情景教学法在大学英语词汇课堂教学中的应用

郑伟红 - 论情景教学法在大学英语词汇课堂教学中的应用

Title:On the application of situational teaching method in College English vocabulary classroom teaching




论文来源:产业与科技论坛 2019


Abstract:Vocabulary teaching is an important part of English teaching. Students' vocabulary learning level will directly affect their English learning level. Therefore, for this basic teaching, teachers need to lay a solid foundation for students. However, in the past, the effect of College English vocabulary teaching was not very ideal, and students lacked interest in learning. Therefore, teachers should take effective measures to stimulate students' interest Students' interest in learning enables them to learn and master vocabulary better. Situational teaching is a kind of teaching method that both teachers and students agree with. Its application in vocabulary teaching can effectively improve teaching efficiency and effect. Therefore, this paper analyzes the application of situational teaching method in College English vocabulary classroom teaching.


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郑伟红 - 论情景教学法在大学英语词汇课堂教学中的应用
