

  1. 答:Why Do We Study English?
    why do we study english? english is spoken by about over 0.3billion people in the world, it's one of the most widely used language.
    there is another reason that we should study english, english is most popular language as a working language,
  2. 答:English is the language used to do one of a wide range of English-speaking nearly 300 million
    English is the international conference on the use of the working languages of the largest in the world of radio and 60 percent 70 percent of the e-mail in English, is based on millions of books and magazines written in English
    With English can be faster and better learning of modern science and technology, learn English, we can better service to the motherland
  1. 答:1. Popular events like the Olympic Games, World Expo and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a say way. What’s your opinion in this regard? Please write about 400 words within 45 minutes to show your personal stand.
    2. As reading is important for a good education, children are invariably encouraged to read extensively. But does this mean that children should read whatever appeals to them? Write position of about 400 words within 45 minutes to assess arguments for or against this view
  2. 答:Now has almost e the symbol of information age. Some think that it is a very great invention because by it, they can do many things that were impossible before. But some view with much disapproval because it distracts people’s attention rather than help people do things better. What is your opinion about the influence of on the modern society? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: and the Modern Society.
    I Which is more important for you in your life: knowledge from books you read or personal experiences in reality? Please use details to explain your answer in about 400 words within 45 minutes.
  3. 答:11111111111声带肥大
问:英语作文 成功之道议论文
  1. 答:人人都渴望在有生之年成为一名成功人士,然而并不是每个人在任何时候都能成功。那些懒惰的喜欢做白日梦的人是很难成功的。一个成功人士必须具备一些优秀的品质,如勤奋、毅力、恒心等。他必须不断地学习以使自己成为一个有能力的人,有时还要能屈能伸以适应环境的变化。总之,自信是走向成功的第一步,而努力工作是成功的主要因素。
    Everybody is eager to be a essful person in his life. But not all people can always eed. People who are lazy and want to eed only by daydreaming can hardly eed. A essful person must possess some good characters, such as diligence, strong will, perseverance, etc. He must keep on learning and make himself a capable person. Sometimes he should be more flexible to change with the situations. All in all, serf-confidence is thefirst step on the road to ess. And hard work is the key element of ess.
