科技英语中术语统一性的翻译王亚会论文_王亚会 崔丽童

科技英语中术语统一性的翻译王亚会论文_王亚会 崔丽童

王亚会 崔丽童

(山东科技大学 266590)

Abstract: Similar Chinese meaning of a single English word are all suitable to the target text. Provided that the same English expression is employed different Chinese in an article, which would affected the quality of the target text. Under the guidance of Skopos theory , the translator shall integrate the translation purpose and relevant information of the receptor to implement a purposeful translation of the source text. Therefore, for consistent target text, the translator gives an example and lists words showing up more than once as customized terminologies.

Key Words: Customized Terminology; Skopos theory; English for Science and Technology

Translation of Customized Terminology


“project” means “工程,计划,规划,项目”. In this article on water storage, it is translated as “项目”.

ST:It is important to clarify what is meant by project feasibility. In our definition feasibility indicates there is a very high chance of the project successfully achieving the following:


ST:The project is technically feasible from an engineering perspective and can be built – subject to procurement, within an acceptable timeframe;


ST:For the avoidance of doubt feasibility does not mean that: The project building is fully committed to by investors from the public and private sectors.



Other examples:

Operation means “运营,经营,操作”. In this article, it is translated as “操作”.

Overview means “概览,概述,总看法,综述”.In this article, it is translated as“综述”Any one of the Chinese expressions that is adopted is appropriate to the source text . However, the English word is frequently showed up. Provided that the translator frequently changes the Chinese expression,too. Readers can be pullzed. Therefore, here the translator unifies the English word as customized Chinese word for the purpose of a consistent version or even the target text.


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论文作者:王亚会 崔丽童



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科技英语中术语统一性的翻译王亚会论文_王亚会 崔丽童
