陆焱,田学军 - 以学生为中心的混合教学模式改革与设计

陆焱,田学军 - 以学生为中心的混合教学模式改革与设计

Title:The reform and design of "student centered" mixed teaching mode




论文来源:荆楚理工学院学报 2019


Abstract:In order to carry out the teaching interaction of human-computer interaction technology more effectively and better meet the goal of the construction of new engineering, aiming at some problems existing in the teaching of human-computer interaction technology course, we carry out the teaching mode reform of & quot; student-centered & quot;. Combined with the experimental content of the original design of software interface, we carry out the evaluation and examination by the way of student group as the experimental task of the team Explore. The results show that the teaching reform of this course has achieved certain results, stimulated students' interest in learning, and promoted students' innovative consciousness.


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陆焱,田学军 - 以学生为中心的混合教学模式改革与设计
