
张鲜华,孙雪娜,向桂霖 - 经济管理类毕业生能力与用人单位需求研究

Title:Research on the ability of graduates of economics and management and the needs of employers




论文来源:天水师范学院学报 2019


Abstract:There has been a long-term expectation difference between the ability of graduates of economics and management and the needs of employers, that is, the ability of graduates can not fully meet the needs of employers. As a popular major in the undergraduate education of economics and management, the problem of poor expectation is particularly prominent. The results of questionnaire survey show that more than half of the professionals believe that the ability of accounting graduates basically meets the needs of employers, but they still need to improve the general skills in solving practical problems, continuing learning and interpersonal communication; the professional certificates and participation in competitions and internships obtained by graduates are more valued by employers. Colleges and universities need to gradually reduce the & quot; expectation gap & quot; to further improve the employment rate by reforming the minor system and credit system, subdividing talent training objectives, promoting classroom teaching reform, and comprehensively improving students' general skills.


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