
韩旭,黄晓园,马兴永 - 基于GIS的南昌市城市森林景观特征分析

Title:Analysis on the characteristics of urban forest landscape in Nanchang City Based on GIS technology




论文来源:林业调查规划 2019


Abstract:Taking Nanchang urban forest landscape as the research object, the spatial pattern of urban landscape is analyzed quantitatively by GIS technology. The results show that the standard deviation of the average area and patch scale of urban forest is the largest among all the urban landscape patches in the study area, while the patch fractal dimension index is small, which reflects the basic characteristics of the urban forest landscape patches; the study area has a complete range of landscape types, but the spatial distribution is uneven, the old urban landscape is relatively more concentrated, and the diversity index and evenness index are relatively low. This paper puts forward some countermeasures for the planning and construction of urban forest ecological network, such as South leading to North blocking, three rings and eight shoots, central urban belt, ring, wedge, corridor, garden, etc., paying attention to the construction of riverside and lake forest belt, vigorously developing vertical greening and roof greening.


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