

张 婷 婷

(陕西理工大学文学院,陕西 汉中 723000)

摘 要: 多义符合体字的归部体现了《说文》部内字的编排规律,并受编排体例的制约。以《说文》从“言”诸字为例,“言”作义符的合体字如亦声字、多形形声字、表意字,其选定义符归入《言部》或归入他部,大都遵循了“以类相从”的原则。也正是“以类相从”的归部原则,使得从同一义符的合体字出现归部不同的情况。

关键词: 从“言”字;合体字;义符;归部;以类相从

Analysis of the Rules of Classification of Chinese Characters that Consists of the Component of“Yan” in Shuowen Jiezi

ZHANG Ting-ting
(College of Arts,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong,Shaanxi 723000)

Abstract: The classification of compound characters that have many components is restricted by the rules of arranging characters in Shuowen. The Chinese characters that consists of the component of “Yan” in Shuowen, for example, the classification of Yisheng characters, the phonogram characters that have many pictographs, and ideographic characters that consist of the component of “Yan” most follow the rule of “arranging characters by meaning” which makes the compound characters that consists of the same component in different radicals.

Key words: Chinese characters that consists of the component of “Yan”; compound characters; component; classification; arranging characters by meaning

中图分类号: H161

文献标识码: A

收稿日期: 2019-05-20

作者简介: 张婷婷(1991-),女,山西阳泉人,陕西理工大学文学院汉语言文字学专业2017 级在读硕士研究生,研究方向:汉语言文字学。

文章编号: 1008-8717(2019)11-0035-04

标签:;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  

